Jul 29, 2021
"Mulder, I miss you sticking your fingers in things and licking them."
Find out who said that, plus, body farms and the design choices of people who escape psychiatric institutions and Doggett and Reyes' shipping name!
Find us all over the web! We've got social media, merch, and a fun Patreon that helps us stay on the...
Jul 15, 2021
Your two podcast BFFs are back with everything you've ever wanted to say about The X-Files, but are too afraid to tell your irl friends--we got you, fam! This week Carolyn and Vanessa continue their X-Files journey with listener shout outs, impressions, very dramatic readings from the episode, hot takes on fan-fiction,...
Jul 1, 2021
Remember 2017? It was the year that Trump was inaugurated, the US national anthem protests in the NFL, and major wildfires scorched the globe...But it was also the year we covered the Lone Gunmen series! (Not that we're trying to take the importance away from those other events!) To wrap it up, we went out of order...