Sep 16, 2021
The Truth will set these podcasters FREE! On this, the final episode of the first run of The X-Files, Carolyn and Vanessa wax poetic about love and loss, Kersh and Krycek, and lots of other alliterate pairs. We are sad to say goodbye, but hopeful for the future. Plenty of shipping ahead, so all aboard! Tune back in...
Jul 29, 2021
"Mulder, I miss you sticking your fingers in things and licking them."
Find out who said that, plus, body farms and the design choices of people who escape psychiatric institutions and Doggett and Reyes' shipping name!
Find us all over the web! We've got social media, merch, and a fun Patreon that helps us stay on the...
Jun 19, 2021
May 20, 2021
Listeners, who are you gonna marry, Rob or Fab? Take a trip to the past with us, then whip back to the present! Listen for our thoughts on hobo-Jesus-Unabomber man, Biblical times when feet were washed, and other exciting things about this episode full of holes (but not just the holes in people's necks).
Check us out...